3rd of May.
Woke up at 10 something...
Prepared to go out with Wei, Jane, Molly and Cece..
Cece came to my house at 2 pm then we went to AUTO city straight to find wei they all.
they had reached before we reached.
Then, we started our journey to Penang.
Main objective : find cha bor.. to get back our THINGS from singapore.
We went to New World Park to makan.
i took Tomyam mee, same as cece , jane and molly but different stall.
mine was SWEEETT! iish!
somehow, i finished ALL even the SOUP!
Then, wanted to makan laksa behinD Giant but the uncle wasnt selling...
yea.. went to buy KARI-PUFF. recommended by Cece..
=Near "indian street" near "kuan yin teng"!
Nice nice nice!!
RM O.50 per one~ wlalau.. cheap and niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
after that, we went Padang Kota Lama... waiting for 5 oclock.
After eating, text cha bor.. kacauing him that we wanted to go to his office to buat kacau.. at 1st, he didnt want to WELCOME us but after persuading him.. he allowed. ahhahx!
went there.. wallao. NICE UNIFORM... NICE DESIGN of the office~!
Took pic as well...
after meeting him.. we were HALAUed by him.. asking us to go to his house to wait for him~
so.. we cabut.
On the way to his house.. we dropped by to the "Cam Cia stall".. nice nice!
okayz reached his house..
taken our books and shirts.. damn HAPPPY. have been waited for so longgg!
and, he SHOWED OFF his stay real to us!!!!
He had bought 6 pieces!!
Beh tong~
anyhow, thank him for carrying home for us. they were HEAVY !
thanks!! NVVVVVVVV REN!!
after saying good bye to him..
went home...~
Cheh cheh's birthday yesterday!!
went to KhunTai!!!
still remember IVian said wanna go together during holiday but she DIDNT EVEN CONTACT with me!! iish~
forget it!!
okayz.. feeling myself was in the heaven while i was eating yesterday!
nice nice food. and nice nice cake from Boi Yi.
Sis, 20 tahun liaooo..
must guai gaui.
ping ping an an~
take care!!
be there for eu ~

mom. sis.
wweiii..wo dek lili...
my wrong lorrr..
sorry la..lazy to go out ma!!!!!!
happy birthday to ur sis oh!
so happy hang out with your~~!!
btw, happy birthday to you sister also lo~~!!!
next weekend if i free
sent the t-shirt to your house ar~!! hehe!!
so tht you can wear on 17/5
IT IS okayz la.. just remembering you.
no worries.
when we get home, we will reluctant to even walk out from our house unless really wanna go somemore! ahhahax!
yes. enjoyed. love you guys!
take care!
sure.. no worries.
i still can wear my STAY REAL! hahahx!!
nights people!
wad happen 2 ur hair 0.o
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