The story begins from the 1930s, spanning over 70 years till modern day.
Juxiang is born into a big Peranakan family where her mum is a mistress. She is gentle, beautiful and a fantastic cook. Born deaf-mute, she is ostracized by people. Right before the Japanese Occupation in Singapore, she is forced to marry a rich Peranakan as a mistress. Juxiang resists the marriage and runs away from home. She then meets a young Japanese photographerand after many obstacles, they finally get married and Juxiang gives birth to a daughter Yue Niang. During the World War, Juxiang is tortured and both her husband and her dies leaving behind their 8-year-old daughter.
Yue Niang is passed around families and eventually ends up at her grandfather's house. Under the supervision of her grandmother, Yue Niang learns to cook Peranakan dishes and sewing. She grows up looking exactly like her mother and is exceptionally beautiful. After the war, her maternal relatives who ran away to England to seek refuge during wartime return home. Yue Niang then leads the life of her mother – always discriminated, beaten up and tortured. She puts up with all these in order to protect her grandmother.
Yue Niang's pretty looks incurs jealousy from her cousin and attracted many rich Peranakans to chase after her. However, she only has eyes for penniless driver Chen Xi.
Chen Xi actually comes from an educated and wealthy family. He hides his identity to be with Yue Niang. Yue Niang's kindness, pureness and persistence move Chen Xi and he loves her deeply too. Unfortunately, their relationship is filled with many obstacles and difficulties. Under pressure from his family, Chen Xi is forced to marry Yue Niang's cousin instead. Yue Niang is then sold to a butcher, Liu Yi Dao.
Yue Niang is unwilling to accept the fact that her life is always manipulated by others and decides to end her own life. Yue Niang's strong personality impresses Liu Yi Dao and they become sworn siblings instead. Yue Niang decides to choose her own path in life. She begins learning how to run a business and in the process, she is framed and ousted from her business. Although she is badly hit, she manages to overcome the odds and save her declining family business. Sadly, her love life has yet to begin a new chapter with no news about her lover, Chen Xi.
It is a series of Singapore, MediaCorp!
It IS nice
I would watch this singaporean series like I watch HongKong MOvie. Alot of climax!
=) love it !

黄菊香自幼聋哑,长得漂亮。自小在母亲调教之下,煮得一手好菜,珠绣手艺也非常特出。她外柔内刚,不愿嫁给奸商当填房,离家出走,受尽磨难,后来嫁给一日 本摄影师 洋介(戴阳天饰),产下女儿月娘(欧萱分饰)。后来洋介被逼从军,黄菊香独立抚养女儿。日据时代,她不幸死于战乱中。
月娘和母亲黄菊香长得如一模子印出来,她也继承了母亲坚忍不拔的性格。母亲死后,她寄住在外婆(向云饰)家,学得一手好厨艺和女红。虽然月娘在黄家饱受欺 凌,她却乐观以对。后来,她爱上名门之后陈锡(戚玉武饰),但却被逼嫁给流氓头子刘一刀(姚玟隆饰)。怎知道她反与刘一刀结成兄妹,学做生意有成,还反过 来挽救破产的家族。 She has to portray two different characters in the drama – Huang Juxiang (Mother) and Yue Niang (Daughter). Huang Juxiang is not easy to play because she is deaf-mute though very pleasant looking. Huang Juxiang is also a virtuous woman who is excellent at cooking and sewing. Later in the show, she marries a Japanese photographer (played by Dai Yang Tian) and gives birth to Yue Niang (also played by Jeanette). Yue Niang looks exactly like her mother and takes after her positive traits. Also a good cook, she stays at her grandmother's house (played by Xiang Yun) after the death of her mother. Her love interest is Chen Xi (played by Qi Yuwu) but was forced to marry Liu Yi Dao instead (played by Yao Wen Long). Unexpectedly, she becomes sworn siblings with Yi Dao and helped to save the family's declining business.

名门之后,也是家族中的三代单传,背负传递香火与振兴家族生意的重任。陈锡年轻有为,善于经营,对感情执着。早年负笈英国,受西方自由主义影响,面对保守 的峇峇家庭,不免有冲突。后来在家族的压力下,无法与月娘结婚,黯然抛下没有感情的妻子黄珍珠和家族事业,悄然而别,从此音讯全无,生死未卜。 Yuwu is the male lead in The Little Nyonya. Young and capable, his character Chen Xi manages his family business well. He has frequent clashes with his Peranakan culture as he was once lived in England, which gave him more freedom. Due to his family, he is unable to marry the woman of his dreams Yue Niang and decides to leave everything behind including his legitimate wife Huang Zhen Zhu (played by Eelyn Kok), family and his business.
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外表清秀温柔,心地善良,和月娘情同姐妹,教她读书识字。虽对陈锡有好感,但当她知道陈锡心中喜欢的是月娘,反而撮合二人。不幸被罗伯张强暴,被逼嫁入张家,饱受罗伯张虐待,最后更精神崩溃。 A kind and gentle girl who is best friend to Yue Niang, Yuzhu also teaches Yue Niang to read and write. Although she also fancies Chen Xi, she knows that she has no place in his heart except for Yue Niang. Instead, she tries to matchmake them. She later goes into depression after having to marry a man she doesn’t like as she was raped by him… |
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自私善妒,常发小姐脾气,为了嫁给陈锡,对月娘下毒手,将她推入井里。后来亲眼目睹妹妹黄玉珠被罗伯张强暴,也愿意出手相救。后来得尝所愿嫁入陈家,却无法得到丈夫的爱,最终沦落为吧女。 Zhenzhu is a selfish and pampered girl who resorts to dirty tricks on Yue Niang in order to marry Chen Xi. When she witnessed her sister Yuzhu was raped by Robert, she refuses to save her. She finally gets to marry Chen Xi, but is unable to secure a place in his heart… |
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个性西化、时髦,言行举止大胆。喜欢上金成(林明伦饰),但却无法和他在一起。后来远赴英国,嫁给英国人,没想到以离婚收场,回来投靠姐姐秀凤(潘玲玲饰),却与金成暗度陈仓,还鼓动他卷走公司巨款。 She is the younger sister of Xiu Feng (played by Pan Ling Ling) and fancies Jin Cheng (played by Darren Lim). |
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黄元(严丙量饰)的元配,为人妒嫉心重、恶毒,视黄菊香母女为眼中钉,后更把月娘当佣人使唤,动不动就打骂她。 She is evil and easily jealous. Gui Hua hates Juxiang and treats her daughter Yue Niang as a maid. She often scolds and beats her |
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年轻日籍摄影师,在新加坡开了一间小影室。本性善良,乐于助人。因无意中拍下菊香的倩影,爱上菊香,后来还帮助她摆脱奸商查里张。二人婚后生下月娘。回乡探父之病被抓去当兵,从战场逃走,辗转回来找菊香。日军南侵,为保护菊香母女,逃兵身份败露,被枪杀。 Yamamoto Yousuke is a young Japanese photographer who opens a small photo studio in Singapore . He is kind-hearted and helpful. He falls in love with Juxiang after taking a shot of her unintentionally. Yousuke also helps Juxiang to break away from unscrupulous businessman Charlie Zhang. The two later get married and have a daughter, Yue Niang. While he returns to his hometown to visit his ailing father, he is forced to be a soldier. He then escapes from the war and returns to find Juxiang. Unfortunately, the Japanese make their way to conquer South East Asia . In order to protect both his wife and daughter, he is caught for escaping army and is killed by |
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杀猪为生,一把杀猪刀不离手,刀出如飞。刘一刀理光头,喜欢打赤膊,虽然话不多,但言出必行。他与妈妈相依为命,非常孝顺,对妈妈言听计从。妈妈看中月 娘,临终前要他娶月娘为妻,他遂上门求亲。她拒绝,他竟打死一只老虎以表自己的决心。月娘誓死不从,后来两人结为兄妹,刘一刀更在月娘协助下成为富商。 Liu Yi Dao is a butcher who cannot part with his knife. He is bald and likes to go around without a shirt. He is a man of a few words but is very loyal and keeps to his words. He is a filial child who lives with his mother and obeys whatever his mum says. His mum later likes Yue Niang and wants her to be her daughter-in-law. He tries to court Yue Niang to no avail. To prove his sincerity towards her, he even kills a tiger. Yue Niang refuses to budge and the two become sworn siblings instead. With the help of Yue Niang, Yi Dao later becomes a wealthy businessman. |
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陈锡的小叔叔,玩世不恭,有正义感,注重保留峇峇文化。喜欢菊香(欧萱饰),却被逼娶自己没感觉的美玉(洪乙心饰)。整天在外跳舞唱班顿,过着醉生梦死的生活。 The youngest uncle of Chen Yi, he is frivolous yet likes to uphold justice. Chen Sheng sees the need to preserve the Peranakan culture and likes Juxiang. However, he is forced to marry Mei Yu instead. As he has no feelings for Mei Yu, he spends his days away dancing and singing Malay poems outside after marriage. |
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黄家女佣,是梳起不嫁的妈姐,常讲错话、闹笑话。她与黄菊香情同姐妹,后来为了给黄菊香送嫁妆,一只脚被打瘸。与月娘的感情更深,一直追随着月娘,年届90岁,仍不离不弃。 Ah Tao is the maid of the Huangs who often says the wrong things and becomes a laughing stock. She is very close to Juxiang and her daughter, Yue Niang. Later, while she is delivering Juxiang’s dowry, she is beaten up and becomes lame. A loyal maid, she follows Yue Niang all the way till she is 90 and still refuses to leave her. |
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查里张儿子,留洋英国,阴险狡诈,强暴玉珠后娶进门,折磨至死。本以为没有手尾,不料月娘追查玉珠死因,要他受法律制裁。恨月娘入骨,欲置她于死地。 Charlie Zhang’s son studied in England and is a cunning one like his father. After marrying Yuzhu, he tortures her to death and believes it was a clean job. Unexpectedly, Yueniang searches for the cause of Yuzhu’s death and is adamant on bringing justice to Robert. Thus, Robert hates Yueniang vehemently and is bent on killing her. |
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月娘孙女,加拿大留学生,因感情波折,避居马六甲月娘家。听祖母月娘说起许多她从来不知的往事,并从月娘身上学到面对问题,解决问题。 She is Yueniang’s granddaughter and a graduate from Canada. She escapes to Yueniang’s home in Malacca after some romantic setbacks and begins to learn from her grandmother many things that she has never heard of before. From there, she learns to face her problems and solve them.
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她是黄家的长女,也是陈盛(方展发饰)的妻子。婚后一直无法获得陈盛欢心,导致她郁郁寡欢。后来,她为了黄家,想办法让陈锡和黄珍珠(郭蕙雯饰)结婚;后来为了阻止月娘和陈锡在一起,企图把月娘溺死在井里。 As the eldest daughter of the Huangs, she is also the wife of Chen Sheng (played by Pierre Png). Unfortunately, Chen Sheng does not exactly fancy her despite after marriage. Feeling a little depressed, she also plays a part in breaking Yue Niang and Chen Xi… |
and MORE Feel free to visit the WEBSITE ! http://littlenyonya.mediacorptv.sg/about.htm IT IS also taken scene from PENANG , MELAKA & SINGAPORE! there are more pics in the official website! cant upload all here~ anyhow it is nice ! 

These pictures are taken in PENANG !!!


yeaa lor ~
wanyi !
very nice !!~
i love it !
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