take ambrella, GO HOME LAAAAAAAAAAAA!!
1st year anniversary!!
Time flies laaa~!!
So fast, one year already!
i still could recall all the moments when i was at auto city!!
and, how my sister fetch me around to get the tickets from my friend~!!
I am glad that i did go to Auto city to meet mayday!
that time, i was listening to My Fm and suddenly, heard the fm say that MAYDAY WILL BE COMING TO AUTO CITY!
i was like...
sure bor??
people are "Tian Tuan"
how could they come to the small city at auto city here.
furthermore, it is so near to my house~
That time, i was not siao they all yet!
still very blur with the group.
only tau.. aaashin, stone.. but, didnt know who they are also.
only know their namesss.
But now..
damn keng liao~!
started doing "their homework"after the promo @ auto city.
kept searching their videos in Youtube!!
And, later on,
i joined B5M cause wanted to get more latest news from the fans club~!
Met Nana, the 1st one in B5M,
then, met 220, wei, molly, jane, jacky, gong zhu, nv ren and more on 118 in Halo cafe.
Met wei, jane, and molly the 1st time but felt like 10 years never met for TEN YEARS! hahah!
Then, thank Shi Hua so much for helping me to buy ashin's books BEFORE MEETING and Knowing who am i~
till now,
already One YEAR.
I really enjoy their musics,
their band,
and their concert!
Mayday rocks my life!!
Dear lili,
very fast already 1 years liao..
Now very miss Mayday & Ashin
Hope we all faster can see Mayday
come to Malaysia again
And Hope we all next year can go to Taiwan see Mayday 2009 concert.. ^^
yea yea~
time flies!!
1 year liao!
so fast~
we have known for each other less than 1 year leh~
take care!
Taiwan dream 2009!
B'cas of tat promor tour we join B5M,b'cas of B5M we knoe each other........
yea yae~
because of B5M, baru can joined them~
and, love mayday MORE!
take care~!!
yeah lili!!!!
1 year liao!!!!
last year we still don't know each other...
but now we all are very close edi~~really happy to know u all~!
hope our friendship will last forever~!!
the best thing dosent
i can meet mayday
great tht
start from there, we know each
our friendship will be like mayday.
as long as they can~
because, nothing can last forever..
Love mayday because they bring us together~!!~
take care~
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